Kontrak menjadi penengah antara penyedia & pengguna jasa tapi bagaimana jika kontrak tidak adil ......
Kontrak berat sebelah telah lama menjadi perdebatan berbagai pihak. Kondisi kontrak atau perjanjian berat sebelah tentu sangat merugikan, terutama dari sudut pandang penyedia jasa (kontraktor). Setiap kontrak pada dasarnya harus bersifat adil dan setara (tidak berat sebelah) dan tidak bermaksud untuk mengambil keuntungan sepihak dengan cara merugikan pihak lain, namun selama ini posisi penyedia jasa hampir selalu lebih lemah dari pada posisi pengguna jasa (Damayanti : 2015). Meskipun telah lama menjadi hal yang dibahas tetapi tetap saja kontrak berat sebelah dalam praktiknya masih banyak ditemui. JICA (Japan International Corperation Agency) Secara kusus membahas hal tersebut yakni kontrak berat sebelah dalam dokumen nya berjudul “one sided contract” sample biding document. Begitu besarnya keluhan dan ketidakpuasan adanya kontrak berat sebelah sehingga sangat perlu dilaksanakan penelitian berikut dan didapatkan apa saja klausula berat sebelah. Penelitian berikut melakukan identifikasi klausula berat sebelah pada proyek-proyek migas terhadap kategori JICA “One Sided Contract”. Berdasar tinjauan berbagai klausula kontrak didapatkan 24 butir klausula berat sebelah. Setelah diajukan pengujian kepada para pakar didapatkan eliminasi pada butir commencement of works. Berdasarkan hasil uji kuisoner, uji pakar, uji validitas, serta uji reliabilitas dan perhitungan RII (Relative Important Index) didapatkan enam kategori klausula berat sebelah dominan yakni kategori payment, contractor general obligation, kategori testing - plant material, and wokmenship, right of access to the site, advance payment.

One-sided contracts have long been debated by various parties. The condition of a contract or a one-sided agreement is certainly very detrimental, especially from the point of view of the contractor. Every contract basically must be fair and equal (not one-sided) and does not intend to take unilateral advantage by harming the other party, but so far the position contractor are almost always weaker than the position of employer (owner) (Damayanti: 2015). Even though it has long been a topic of discussion, one-sided contracts in practice are still common. JICA (Japan International Corporation Agency) In particular, discussing this matter, namely the one-sided contract in its document entitled "one-sided contract" sample bidding document. There are so many complaints and dissatisfaction with the existence of a one-sided contract that it is very necessary to carry out the following research and find out what one-sided clauses are. The following research identifies one-sided clauses in oil and gas projects against the JICA “One Sided Contract” category. Based on a review of various contract clauses, 24 items of one-sided clauses were found. After the test was submitted to the experts, elimination was obtained on the commencement of works item. Based on the results of the questionnaire test, expert test, validity test, and reliability test and RII (Relative Important Index) calculation, six dominant one-sided clause categories were found, namely the payment category, contractor general obligation, testing - plant material category, and labor, right of access to the site, advance payment.
#Egi Sepfriansyah Avianto
#Ega Sepfriansyah Avianto